In here you will see how the Red Eye skins can change the appearance of your computer!
TYCUS's Articles » Page 2
October 30, 2006 by TYCUS
u all know that getting softwares, movies, music and even books for free is illegal.., so what about bittorrents and warez searchers? are they legal at all? i mean, Limewire is one of the most popular bittorrents., and it is in there at, i'm confused    ...
October 11, 2006 by TYCUS
i update zone alarm firewall and now i cant see any preview nor a animated icon! i try to figure out the way to make it work by changing each option but nothing works....    ..need help again guys!    
October 1, 2006 by TYCUS
today at 10:36pm, i was taking a look at the GUI Champs forum and readying some articles, when suddenly a strange noice start playing on my pc.., it was like a Yahoo! comertial..., it sounds like a kid was talking with someone, then the Yahoo! sound start playing.., it is 1st of Octuber..., and i got scare..., i just dont want to know what will happen on the 31 of Octuber
September 21, 2006 by TYCUS
hi all, i was readying the thread of Island Dog, about the new CATALYST update and i was planning to update the vertion that i have.., and since i replase the old IDE HD with a new SATA HD i just notice that i didn't have the new vertion of .NET (it is .NET something)., so i go into the microsoft site and download the new vertion becouse it is needed to install the new CATALYST., the download finish correctly but when i start the instalation it start but then it stops(without showing any wi...
September 10, 2006 by TYCUS
i dont know if there is someone with this kind of problems but, many times when i creat a skin(logon, wall, bootskin, beatnick or cursor.., in my case), it just dont work .., the most recent issue that i have was with a new project that i call "Mecha", another series of cursors with some mechanical effects (like gears, neon lights.., etc), the first step to creat a cursor is., well, just creat the model in my imagination then i just creat it..., but the problem is that when i finish the 3d model...
August 23, 2006 by TYCUS
Hi this is Tycus, during the past months i have been working on a proyect that begin as something little and kindda simple.., but this proyect start growing and growing since April..., mainly, the proyect was about four cursors that could represent the four basic elements of earth(i know.., that not so original), but the thing is that i start using some new effects i didn't see, like explotions with fire balls and a ring wave growing during the explotion.., other effect that i just love and took...
August 7, 2006 by TYCUS
no, this is not a joke., Bill Gates is gonna yield his throne! It seems that Mr. Bill Gates is gonna take some time for him and put some order to his priorities; you can read the complete text in here: WWW Link
October 27, 2005 by TYCUS
Yes, it´s true, you can speed up your computer 20% more! But how? Well, now i´m going to tell how...: Step 1: Go into the start button: Step 2: Go to execute button and tipe "gpedit.msc"(without the " "...): Step 3: A new window will appear: "Board of group", in there look for the option: "Administrative insoles(staff)".: Step 4: In there open "Web" folder and then look for an option that says: "QoS": Step 5: In QoS folder, go and select the option "L...
March 4, 2005 by TYCUS
Welcome, and enjoy my creations! On this article you would see my most popular creation of all: Red Eye, or Red Eye Project licke i said. Red Eye Project - Part 1: Boot Skin Linke: -soon- Red Eye Project - Part 2: Logon Skin Linke: Red Eye Project - Part 3: Wallpaper Linke: I try to submite a screenshot using the Red Eye Wallpa...