In here you will see how the Red Eye skins can change the appearance of your computer!
TYCUS's Articles In OS Customization
August 23, 2006 by TYCUS
Hi this is Tycus, during the past months i have been working on a proyect that begin as something little and kindda simple.., but this proyect start growing and growing since April..., mainly, the proyect was about four cursors that could represent the four basic elements of earth(i know.., that not so original), but the thing is that i start using some new effects i didn't see, like explotions with fire balls and a ring wave growing during the explotion.., other effect that i just love and took...
September 10, 2006 by TYCUS
i dont know if there is someone with this kind of problems but, many times when i creat a skin(logon, wall, bootskin, beatnick or cursor.., in my case), it just dont work .., the most recent issue that i have was with a new project that i call "Mecha", another series of cursors with some mechanical effects (like gears, neon lights.., etc), the first step to creat a cursor is., well, just creat the model in my imagination then i just creat it..., but the problem is that when i finish the 3d model...
July 31, 2008 by TYCUS
Ok, right now i'm over my first WB skin., but i dont have any clue in how to creat an animated start button, i want to make use of one of my animations from EvolveFX (Busy.., if you haven't seen it take a look:  ), i've seen that Molten has an animated start button but i can figure out how it was made   ..any help?   thankx