Welcome, and enjoy my creations!
On this article you would see my most popular creation of all: Red Eye, or Red Eye Project licke i said.
Red Eye Project - Part 1: Boot Skin
Linke: -soon-
Red Eye Project - Part 2: Logon Skin
Linke: https://www.wincustomize.com/ViewSkin.aspx?SkinID=3928&LibID=26&comments=1
Red Eye Project - Part 3: Wallpaper
Linke: https://www.wincustomize.com/ViewSkin.aspx?SkinID=22070&LibID=8&comments=1
I try to submite a screenshot using the Red Eye Wallpaper, G-POD (red) & Cryo Exodo 2, but something was wrong, a strange yellow page saying that the page that i was looking can´t open.
"The new appearance"
Silver Window is here!!!