almost one year.., yes, it already pass almost one year since i get the first spam or mails from the same person or people (maybe is more than one)...., Yahoo's spam filter works realy good when we talk about spam or trash mails.., but it wont work if the same people send me that same #(/&*, from other emial account..., the mail is realy simple:
Hi my name is "blabla",
i'm from the "blabla" bank of Africa and i would like to inform u that we............, etc etc etc.., (i wont wright the whole thing...)
...i'm tired of this.., and i guess that the only solution to get out of this is just get a new emial., the thing is that it will be a matter of time to get this kind of trash again
...damn, i hate spam! ...mmh, it would be ok if i reply one of their mails., with a virus on it (just kidding)?